Sunday, September 26, 2010


Horrible shopping today which I had to do because I needed new thongs and I also needed a new bathing suit (NOT a thong). In fact, the bathing suit was a daunting task; I have a couple of problem areas.

What I was really looking for was one of these racy Victorian numbers but for some reason none of the stores had them in stock.
Maybe tomorrow or next week or next year for the bather shopping!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jasmine is in the Air!

The Jasmine in the garden is so beautiful and the scent coming from it is heavenly.
So I have decided to pick some blossoms and macerate them in a delicate sweet Almond oil.
Then when the beautiful aroma has permeated the oil, I am going to make a gorgeous body scrub.
I will keep you posted when it is made and on the Dreamskin website.